We have built partnerships with leading eDiscovery software developers to bring you scalable solutions. We accommodate the full spectrum of project sizes, small, medium, or large.



After our data collection protocols have been executed and data becomes available, it’s time to process it using industry leading technologies. We’re experienced in pushing data sets through processing engines and we know just how much computing power we need. Our scalability allows us keep your costs low while still delivering high quality service. As you know, time is -always- of the essence.

Review & Hosting


You have options when it comes to review. Our alliances enable us to give you the best choices in the industry for review. We’ve got you covered when it comes to enabling technologies:

  • Visual concept clusters
  • Email thread views
  • Near-duplicate detection
  • Transcript integration
  • Automated language translation
  • Audio and video analytics
  • Machine assisted redaction

Production & QC


This is where the magic happens. All of our joint efforts during preserving and collecting data, coordinating interviews, speaking with key players, maintaining the identification team, building an audit trail, and continuously checking our procedures for gaps – it’s time to send the data on its way to the requestor. We know many things can happen or be discovered at this stage, that’s why we are proud to say we are experienced at every stage of the process. Producing privileged documents, or not applying redactions to text files is probably the worst that can happen. Our processes have you covered. We’re experienced in meeting the data delivery standards demanded by:

  • Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)
  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
  • Department of Justice (DOJ)
  • Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
  • State Attorney General’s Office
  • Other litigation parties

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